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Mental Illness & Neurological Disease (MIND)

Mental Illness & Neurological Disease - Psychiatry Student Interest Group

The Mental Illness and Neurological Disease (MIND) interest group creates opportunities for students to explore neurological and psychiatric disorders, as well as psychiatry and its related specialties. MIND provides students with a platform to gain further exposure to psychiatry and its related subject areas through volunteer opportunities, research, mentorship, educational events, and clinical experiences. Additionally, MIND aims to raise awareness on mental health through collaborations across specialties, disciplines, and cultures.

Contact Us


President- Riya Trivedi, rtrivedi1@luc.edu

Vice President- Ysabel Bautista, lbautista@luc.edu

Treasurer- Anne Hutchinson, ahutchinson@luc.edu

MSU Representative- Miloni Shah, mshah24@luc.edu


Mental Illness & Neurological Disease - Psychiatry Student Interest Group

The Mental Illness and Neurological Disease (MIND) interest group creates opportunities for students to explore neurological and psychiatric disorders, as well as psychiatry and its related specialties. MIND provides students with a platform to gain further exposure to psychiatry and its related subject areas through volunteer opportunities, research, mentorship, educational events, and clinical experiences. Additionally, MIND aims to raise awareness on mental health through collaborations across specialties, disciplines, and cultures.

Contact Us


President- Riya Trivedi, rtrivedi1@luc.edu

Vice President- Ysabel Bautista, lbautista@luc.edu

Treasurer- Anne Hutchinson, ahutchinson@luc.edu

MSU Representative- Miloni Shah, mshah24@luc.edu