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DAC Med (Disability Advocacy Coalition in Medicine)

DAC MED ( Disability Advocacy Coalition in Medicine)

DAC Med at Stritch is an interprofessional student organization dedicated to creating culture of inclusion for disability and chronic illness throughout healthcare and graduate health sciences education. DAC Med's huge overarching goal is to make medicine more equitable for folks who identify as having a disability or chronic illness, as well as to make  Stritch more inclusive to current and future providers who have disabilities.

Contact Us



President- Damla Oncel doncel@luc.edu

Co-Vice President- Sarah Tajran, srajran@luc.edu

Co-Vice President - Alize Solakari, asolakari@luc.edu

Director of Service- Serena Lin, ylin20@luc.edu

MSU Representative - Riya Trivedi, rtrivedi1@luc.edu


DAC MED ( Disability Advocacy Coalition in Medicine)

DAC Med at Stritch is an interprofessional student organization dedicated to creating culture of inclusion for disability and chronic illness throughout healthcare and graduate health sciences education. DAC Med's huge overarching goal is to make medicine more equitable for folks who identify as having a disability or chronic illness, as well as to make  Stritch more inclusive to current and future providers who have disabilities.

Contact Us



President- Damla Oncel doncel@luc.edu

Co-Vice President- Sarah Tajran, srajran@luc.edu

Co-Vice President - Alize Solakari, asolakari@luc.edu

Director of Service- Serena Lin, ylin20@luc.edu

MSU Representative - Riya Trivedi, rtrivedi1@luc.edu