John Hardt Moves into New Role Focused on Professional Formation at Stritch

As the Stritch community continues to focus on student wellness and other supportive services, it has created a new position to help coordinate these initiatives, Vice Dean of Professional Formation at Stritch.

John Hardt, PhD, Vice President of Mission Integration at Loyola University Health System will return to Stritch to fill this new role. Hardt joined Loyola has a faculty member at the Neiswanger Institute of Bioethics and Health Policy 14 years ago.

Hardt’s research and writing has focused on professional ethics, end-of-life care in the Catholic tradition, neonatal ethics, and physician conscience in the clinical encounter, a topic on which he offered testimony to the President's Council on Bioethics in Washington, D.C. His teaching portfolio considers issues in religion and medicine with special attention paid to the Catholic moral tradition.

In a letter to students, faculty, and staff, Hardt outlined his goals for the new role, including the coordination of efforts to care for students during their medical training. You can read his full letter below:

I’m writing to you as I assume a new role: Vice Dean for Professional Formation at Stritch.

While I know many of you (and hope that I’m a familiar face), I wanted to introduce myself and say a few words about my hope for the role, how I hope to work with you, and the expectations before me.

I joined Loyola 14 years ago as a faculty member in bioethics here in Stritch and have worked both in our University and Health System’s administrations over the past 12 years.

Now, I have the privilege of returning to Stritch full time. I anticipate a dual focus of my new role. First: coordinating our work in wellness; the other attending more directly to issues of professional formation. Both areas would inform the other and I’m pleased to build on the excellent work underway. My job will be one of coordinating those efforts and helping to align our goals and vision as we care for and train our students.

Together, I hope these issues will invite our shared insights and collaborative spirit on a range of questions: How best to coordinate and communicate our resources and efforts; how to identify and measure gaps, opportunities, and successes in our structures and processes to better promote student success; and how to continue to foster a formative culture that helps each of us and our students stay connected to wells of meaning and purpose in our lives, to form and participate in communities of mutual support, and to promote the erosion-resistant “soft virtues” that make not only good doctors but good people: tenderness, kindness, empathy, patience, joyfulness, and compassion.

I am humbled by the seriousness of the issues before our Stritch community and me. I am also very excited for what we will accomplish together. I invite you to share your ideas and concerns either directly or by email. I will very much need and want your help as this work begins. Soon, I will be located in my new office (SSOM 318).

I look forward to working with each of you and am reminded in this new calendar year how grateful I am to be part of the Stritch community.

