Research Conference Fund Requests

Who may request funds: Currently enrolled Stritch School of Medicine students in good academic standing may request funding support from the Office of Student Affairs in order to defray expenses related to presentation of their academic/scholarly work at professional conferences. The work to be presented must have been conducted under the supervision of a Stritch School of Medicine faculty member.

What funding is available: Students are required to pay for all travel expenses up front and will be reimbursed after completion of the presentation. There will not be any reimbursement if the presentation does not occur. SSOM will fund 50% (for a total of $500 maximum refund), the mentor/mentor’s department 25% (up to $250) and the student 25% (up to $250). SSOM reimbursement in these proportions will be paid against allowable, documented travel and conference expenses not to exceed $500.00.

Additional details and link to apply for funds.