- Profile Image
- Name
- Matthew Blecha
- Degree
- M.D.
- Rank
- Associate Professor
- Primary Department
- Surgery
- Education
- Medical School
- Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
- Residencies
- St. Joseph Hospital General Surgery
- Fellowships
- University of Wisconsin, Madison Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
- Hobbies
- Running
- Chicago Bears
- Skiing
- Blackhawks Hockey
- Chicago White Sox
- Volleyball
- Music
- Publications
- Blecha, M; Weise, L; Liu, A; Yuan, K; Terry, T; Paraskevas, KI Risk Score for Two Year Mortality Following Carotid Endarterectomy Performed for Symptomatic Stenosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Simone, A; Carmon, L; Rao, P; Cichocki, M; Yuan, K; Blecha, M; Bechara, CF; Soult, MC Routine Use of Indwelling Urinary Catheters During Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair is Not Necessary. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- Paraskevas, KI; Schermerhorn, ML; Haulon, S; Beck, AW; Verhagen, HJM; Lee, JT; Verhoeven, ELG; Blankensteijn, JD; Kölbel, T; Lyden, SP; Clair, DG; Faggioli, G; Bisdas, T; D'Oria, M; Mani, K; Sörelius, K; Gallitto, E; Fernandes E Fernandes, J; Katsargyris, A; Lepidi, S; Vacirca, A; Myrcha, P; Koelemay, MJW; Mansilha, A; Zeebregts, CJ; Pini, R; Dias, NV; Karelis, A; Bosiers, MJ; Stone, DH; Venermo, M; Farber, MA; Blecha, M; Melissano, G; Riambau, V; Eagleton, MJ; Gargiulo, M; Scali, ST; Torsello, GB; Eskandari, MK; Perler, BA; Gloviczki, P; Malas, M; Dalman, RL An international, expert-based, Delphi consensus document on controversial issues in the management of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- O'Meara, R; Chawla, K; Gorantla, A; Kelly, R; DeJong, M; Babrowski, T; Halandras, P; Blecha, M The Impact of Sociodemographic Variables on Functional Recovery Following Lower Extremity Amputation. Annals of Vascular Surgery ;
- Blecha, M; Scali, S; Stone, D; Mao, J; Goodney, P; Lemmon, G Duplex Ultrasound Only Surveillance After Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair is Associated with Favorable Long-Term Outcomes. Annals of Vascular Surgery ;
- Texiera P, Blecha M, Garg K, Pounds L Vascular Education and Self Assessment Program ;
- Rao, P; O'Meara, R; Kang, I; Cichocki, MN; Kittrell, Z; Weise, LB; Babrowski, T; Blecha, M Risk Score for One Year Mortality Following Emergent Infra-Inguinal Bypass. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Cichocki, M; O'Meara, R; Kang, I; Kittrell, Z; Rao, P; Weise, L; Babrowski, T; Soult, M; Blecha, M Socioeconomic Disadvantage is a Leading Variable in Risk Score for Major Amputation Following Emergent Infra-Inguinal Arterial Bypass Surgery. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Penton, A; Li, R; Carmon, L; Soult, MC; Bechara, CF; Blecha, M Preoperative Risk Score For Mortality Within 3 Years of Visceral Segment Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Repair. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Paraskevas, KI; Dardik, A; Schermerhorn, ML; Liapis, CD; Mansilha, A; Lal, BK; Gray, WA; Brown, MM; Myrcha, P; Lavie, CJ; Zeebregts, CJ; Secemsky, EA; Saba, L; Blecha, M; Gurevich, V; Silvestrini, M; Blinc, A; Svetlikov, A; Fernandes E Fernandes, J; Schneider, PA; Gloviczki, P; White, CJ; AbuRahma, AF Why selective screening for asymptomatic carotid stenosis is Currently appropriate: a special report. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy ;
- McDonnell, SM; Nikfar, S; Blecha, M; Halandras, PM Frailty screening for determination of hemodialysis access placement. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Kolde, G; Penton, A; Li, R; Weise, L; Potluri, V; Conrad, MF; Blecha, M Carotid Endarterectomy With Simultaneous Proximal Common Carotid Endovascular Intervention is Beneficial for Symptomatic Stenosis and Likely Confers No Advantage for Asymptomatic Lesions. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- Paraskevas, KI; Brown, MM; Lal, BK; Myrcha, P; Lyden, SP; Schneider, PA; Poredos, P; Mikhailidis, DP; Secemsky, EA; Musialek, P; Mansilha, A; Parikh, SA; Silvestrini, M; Lavie, CJ; Dardik, A; Blecha, M; Liapis, CD; Zeebregts, CJ; Nederkoorn, PJ; Poredos, P; Gurevich, V; Jawien, A; Lanza, G; Gray, WA; Gupta, A; Svetlikov, AV; Fernandes E Fernandes, J; Nicolaides, AN; White, CJ; Meschia, JF; Cronenwett, JL; Schermerhorn, ML; AbuRahma, AF Recent Advances and Controversial Issues in the Optimal Management of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Parker, M; Penton, A; McDonnell, S; Kolde, G; Babrowski, T; Blecha, M Investigation of Center Specific Saphenous Vein Utilization Rates in Femoral Popliteal Artery Bypass and Associated Impact of Conduit on Outcomes. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Penton, A; Driscoll, M; Li, R; DeJong, M; Blecha, M Carotid Endarterectomy for Asymptomatic Stenosis Based on Duplex Ultrasound Alone Achieves Equivalent Perioperative and Long-Term Outcomes Relative to Advanced Imaging Based Endarterectomy. Annals of Vascular Surgery ;
- Blecha, M; Babrowski, T; Penton, A; Alvarez, CC; Parker, M; DeJong, M; Sideman, M Objective assessment of physician work in infrainguinal arterial bypass Surgery. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Penton, A; Kelly, R; Le, L; Blecha, M Temporal Trends and Contemporary Regional Variation in Management of Patients Undergoing Carotid Endarterectomy. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- Penton, A; Lin, J; Kolde, G; DeJong, M; Blecha, M Investigation of Combined Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Outcomes and Adverse Event Risk Factors in the Vascular Quality Initiative. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- Penton, A; DeJong, M; Zielke, T; Nam, J; Blecha, M The Impact of Perioperative Morbidities, Lack of Discharge Aspirin, and Lack of Discharge Statin on Long Term Survival Following EVAR. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- McDonnell, S; Frueh, J; Blecha, M; Aulivola, B; Halandras, PM Healthcare Disparities Involved in Establishing Functional Arteriovenous Fistula Hemodialysis Access. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Kelly, R; Blecha, M Recanalization of Inferior Vena Cava and Bilateral Iliac Veins 15 Years after May-Thurner Syndrome-Related Occlusion. The American Surgeon ;
- DeJong, M; Peterson, L; Zielke, T; Simone, A; Penton, A; Blecha, M Investigation of Renal Decline and New Onset Dialysis Following Endovascular Aneurysm Repair in the Vascular Quality Initiative. Vascular and endovascular surgery ; 57 3
- Blecha M, Malach L, Dickens B, Decicco E, D'Andrea M, DeJong M, Bechara C Predictors of Decline in Renal Function 5 Years After EVAR Vascular & Endovascular Surgery ; 56 2 166-172
- Korepta L, Ward M, ,Blecha M, Sinacore J, Aulivola B. A Contemporary Comparison of Cyanoacrylate, Radiofrequency, and Endovenous Laser Ablation on Healing of Active Venous Ulceration Annals of Vascular Surgery ; 22 PMID: 35472495
- Peterson, L; Schweitzer, G; Simone, A; Zielke, T; DeJong, M; Penton, A; Blecha, M The Effect of Smoking Status on Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality after Open and Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Annals of Vascular Surgery ;
- Blecha, M; DeJong, M; Nam, J; Penton, A Modifiable Risk Factors for the Occurrence of Ipsilateral Ischemic Events After Carotid Endarterectomy Beyond the Perioperative Period. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Blecha, M; DeJong, M; Carlson, K Reply. Journal of Vascular Surgery ; 76 1
- Guerra, C; Blecha, M Duplicate Great Saphenous Vein Utilization for Long Segment Tibial Bypass Without Need for Spliced Re-Anastomosis. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- Siddiq, B; Dejong, M; Decicco, E; Zielke, T; D'Andrea, M; Aulivola, B; Blecha, M Extent of mural thrombus is not associated with increased 5-year mortality following elective AAA repair. Vascular ;
- Blecha, M; DeJong, M; Carlson, K Risk Factors for Mortality within 5 Years of Carotid Endarterectomy for Asymptomatic Stenosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery ;
- Sowa, P; Blecha, M Predictors of Mortality within 24 Months of Initial Arteriovenous Access Creation. Annals of Vascular Surgery ;
- Golden S, Weaver J, Russell E, Park B, Sowa P, Blecha M. Educational Value of an Intern-Directed Vascular Access Team at a Community Teaching Hospital. The American Surgeon ; 2021 Mar16:3134821989045. doi: 10.1177/0003134821989045. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33724052
- Siddiq, BS; Ward, M; Blecha, M COVID-19-Related Spontaneous Aortic Arch Thrombus With Delayed Embolization. The American Surgeon ;
- Sowa, P; Giannotti, G; Harris, E; Blecha, M Massive Gastroepiploic Artery Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Arterial Enteric Fistula. Annals of Vascular Surgery ;
- Aasen, M; Blecha, M Percutaneous Revascularization for COVID-19 Induced Spontaneous Arterial Thrombosis. Vascular and endovascular surgery ;
- Blecha, M; Crisostomo, P; Bechara, C Saccular aneursym of the infrarenal aorta inducing ureteral obstruction. Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques ; 7 1
- Blecha, M; Gahtan, V "Modern Endovascular Therapy". World journal of surgery ;
- Renz, C; Tehrani, N; Malach, L; Soult, M; Blecha, M; Bechara, CF A rare case of fibromuscular dysplasia involving multiple vascular beds. Vascular ;
- Matthew Blecha, Corinne Bunn, Michael Soult, Vivian Gahtan Thoracic Aortic Trauma : Who gets an endovascular intervention and how to optimize outcomes Endovascular Today ; 19 11 65-70
- Sowa, P; Soult, M; Blecha, M Community Hospital Experience With Bovine Tissue in Infected Vascular Fields. The American Surgeon ;
- Sowa, P; Halandras, P; Blecha, M The safety of bovine tissue arterial repair in removal of infected prosthetic hemodialysis grafts. The journal of vascular access ;
- Huang J, Wadhwa H, Blecha M, Yonover P. Case Report of a Ureterocutenous Fistula Post Aortobifemoral Bypass Graft Removal in a Patient With Obstructive UPJ Calculus UROLOGY CASE REPORTS ; 26 13 53-54
- Podbielski F, Sambo T, Salamat A, Blecha M, Connolly M Primary Pulmonary Synovial Sarcoma PLEURA ; 3 1-2
- Matthew Blecha Critical Limb Ischemia. Acute and Chronic. ;
- Willson TD, Blecha MJ, Connolly MM, Podbielski FJ Esophageal adenocarcinoma with solitary renal metastasis Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer ; 44 3 351-535
- Matthew Blecha Critical Limb Ischemia Surgical Clinics of North America ; 93 4 789-812
- Willson T, Korn J, Blecha M, Podbielski F, Connolly M Spontaneous rupture of a saccular intrahepatic artery aneurysm Vascular & Endovascular Surgery ; 46 8 679-861
- Willson T, Rao V, Podbielski F, Blecha M In Situ Aortic Thrombus Secondary to Intra-abdominal Abscess AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CASE REPORTS ; 13 149-152
- Willson TD, Revesz E, Podbielski FJ, Blecha MJ External iliac artery dissection secondary to endofibrosis in a cyclist Journal of Vascular Surgery ; 52 1 219-221
- Matthew Blecha General Surgery Pearls of Wisdom ;
- Blecha MJ, Clark ET, Worley TA, Salazar MR, Podbielski FJ Predictors of electrocardiographic change, cardiac troponin elevation, and survival after major vascular surgery: a community hospital experience American Surgeon ; 73 7 697-702
- Blecha MJ, Frank AR, Worley TA, Podbielski FJ Aberrant right hepatic artery in laparoscopic cholecystectomy Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons ; 10 10 511-513
- Blecha MJ, Gupta A, Hoover JD, Madonna MB Chronic abdominal pain secondary to a mucous cystadenoma of the appendix in a 10-year-old boy Journal of pediatric surgery ; 40 11 1792-1794
- Blecha M, Galanopolous C, Dharkar D, Salti G Massive organ of Zuckerkandl inducing small bowel obstruction Journal of the American College of Surgeons ; 201 3 480-481
- Matthew Blecha, Andrew Brown General Surgery Pearls of Wisdom, 3rd Edition ;
- Matthew Blecha Vascular Surgery Tutorial for ABSITE Review ABSITE.ORG ;
- Podbielski FJ, Rodriguez HE, Brown AM, Blecha MJ, Salazar MR, Connolly MM Percutaneous biopsy in evaluation of lung nodules Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons ; 8 3 213-216
- Matthew Blecha, Andrew Brown General Surgery Pearls of Wisdom, 2nd Edition ;
- Matthew Blecha Coagulation Tutorial for ABISTE review ABSITE.ORG ;
- Matthew Blecha Breast Tutorial for ABSITE Review ABSITE.ORG ;
- Erella, Larson, Rodriguez, Blecha M, Connolly, Podbielski Peripheral Pulmonary Carcinoid CASE REPORTS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE REVIEW ; 3 4 209-211